Welcome to the Nodinite Newsletter for November

Last Updated: November 15, 2023|

Don’t miss out what is happening in and around Nodinite

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” – Eleanor Roosevelt. This saying is an apt description of many businesses and individuals. The founders of Nodinite had a dream, which continues to this day. Come join us in our real-life dream as Nodinite shares the latest news and events for this month:


Customer News: Meet one of our New Customers

We are happy to present one of our latest customers. It is an IT company who is also a partner. This is exciting because it shows that Nodinite not only is a great product, but also that our partners live as they learn. They are not only recommending software to their customers, they are also using it themselves.


Marketing Still Targeting the UK

Our efforts in the UK are continuing. Nodinite is following through with different marketing campaigns to conquer the UK market. We are of course, always interested in hearing from our customers, partners, and friends if they have any suggestions or recommendations about UK-based customers and/or potential partners. Please feel free to get in touch with us directly or send a message via our website.


Partner Activities 1: We Celebrate Kazuko’s Nodinite Posts & Partnership

We want to highlight that we’ve noticed several posts on LinkedIn where Kazoku promote the usage of Nodinite as the one and only tool for monitoring and logging of systems integrations. We couldn’t agree more and are delighted to work closely with our partners at Kazoku! Thank you!

Partner Activities 2: Contica-Nodinite Round Table in November

Nodinite is supporting a Contica led event on Wednesday the 29th of November. Between 12-1.30 pm Contica will host a round table discussion about how to become more efficient and using Nodinite. The event is tailored for government organizations that use Nodinite or who are thinking about switching over to Nodinite.

If you work for a public enterprise or a municipality, pls don’t hesitate to sign up. Although it will be hosted online and there are only 10 spots available. The small grouping is to better facilitate discussions and networking.

Please note that the invite is in Swedish: Click here to sign up.


Partnership Discussions: 8 Ongoing Dialogues

Last month (October) we reported that several new partnership discussions were taking place simultaneously. In a very short period, several new partnership enquiries have taken place. Since then, Nodinite has identified up to eight different potential partners.

Several of the potential partners are large, international organizations Discussions are still ongoing and we hope to deliver some good news soon.


E-Learning Latest: New Program Released

In this program we will walk you through the steps to hardening your Nodinite Installation.

It is ideal to do these steps right after you have installed the Nodinite environment on your system. It will cover topics starting from –

  • Restricting users by IP
    • IIS 8.0 Dynamic IP Address Restrictions
    • Configuring IIS to Deny Access Based on HTTP Requests
    • Configuring the behavior for IIS when denying IP addresses
  • Using HTTPS
    • Create a certificate
    • Install a valid certificate
    • Redirect incoming calls
    • Redirect Traffic from HTTP to HTTPS
    • HTTPS using a DNS Name with redirection of the web client.


Published Articles in October

Want to learn more about how to monitor a hybrid environment with BizTalk and Azure Integration Services? Then don’t miss out on our article about seamless monitoring! Just click on the article below.

Create Seamless Monitoring of Hybrid Flows in BizTalk and Azure

Welcome to the Nodinite Newsletter for October!


LinkedIn Testimonials

Here you can find the latest testimonial about Nodinite published in October. The best way to see social media updates is of course to follow the Nodinite LinkedIn page. That way you are immediately notified by all company updates.

How world class and large organizations like Tietoevry find Nodinite a valuable input to the maintenance of systems integrations for their clients


Monthly short story #3

Below is a short, and highly fictional, tale where Nodinite, a plucky, global do-gooder and overall superhero software tool, solves problems. Every month a new adventure will be included in each newsletter. The stories themselves are imaginary and are of course a not-so-subtle reference to how Nodinite’s tool helps organizations in the real world.

Read and enjoy!

Why an Agent is Preferable to a Spouse when Monitoring System Integrations

A large multinational corporation with headquarters in the UK had a delicate choice to make. The CIO understood that they had to implement a new software tool to monitor, log, and document their system integrations. The British firm had recently merged with a US rival. Well, swallowed their former competitor lock, stock, and barrel is a more accurate description.

The new entity was now a formidable player in the market as a result. However, with the merger and acquisition they also inherited their former competitor’s IT systems. This included legacy systems, different integration platforms and cloud solutions. The CIO knew that the next 12 months would be tricky getting the merged organizations integration landscapes to work together.

After an exhaustive evaluation process two final candidates for monitoring and logging system integrations were left standing. Both with vastly different approaches yet they offered similar end results.

One can best be described as proposing a marriage as a solution. Their tool could only function properly if it was hardcoded into the UK company’s existing IT landscape. Depending on a person’s perspective of matrimony it could either be a marriage of convenience or dreadful inconvenience.

The disingenuous sales argument was that their solution somehow reduces overhead costs. Yet as most CIOs are aware, when a product is coded into a system, it also needs to be maintained whenever updates occur. Hardcoding the monitoring and logging tool into an eco-IT-landscape is also a common vendor lock-in tactic.

Due diligence is always recommended when new solutions are incorporated as complicated divorces can easily become time-consuming, costly, and messy.

Benefits of Using Agents

The other candidate for the position was Nodinite, a little-known IT company from Sweden. Closer inspection revealed that they already have a smörgåsbord of high-profile Nordic customers.

Nodinite has a vastly different approach to monitoring and logging. Instead of welding itself so closely to the customers IT landscape, Nodinite uses agents. Once configured and deployed, its agents supervise and collect data concerning monitoring and logging of systems integrations from a safe distance.

There is no need to hardcode the tool, thus it is also easier to move on to a competing product in the future, should the need to switch ever arise. Nodinite watches and observes the integration landscape business flows end-to-end without interfering. Like the mythical 007 of his Majesty’s British Service, their agents operate with complete efficiency and focus (and much more discreetly).

For the CIO, the decision was a no-brainer. She had the foresight to understand that a monitoring and logging tool for system integrations is more effective using agents than an uncomfortable coding merger. Nodinite was the clear winner! On another note, the CIO had herself recently come out of a messy and expensive divorce and was in no mood to go through a similar experience at work by adding yet another system that needed to be maintained.

Three cheers for Nodinite!

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