Welcome to Nodinite Learning
Here you can find a series of educational e-Learning modules designed to get you grounded in the fundamentals of Nodinite. The Learning Centre was created to help professionals increase their business knowledge of Nodinite and to get answers to common questions.
Partners and customers are especially encouraged to sign up as soon as possible. Upon successful completion of all modules, participants will receive an official certificate. Modules cover everything from basic to advanced topics. The courses are set up so they are suitable for everyone, from beginners to seasoned users.
Note: If you are an existing user, click here to resume your training using your login credentials.
How does it work?
Using a set of online tutorials, we have created a fun and visual path to learn how Nodinite works.
Our goal is to help you to understand the full width of possibilities and opportunities that Nodinite offers. Chances are that even experienced users will discover some new and cool features.
How do I sign up?
To request access to Nodinite’s e-Learning modules, simply submit a sign-up form and you will receive an activation email in one business day. Then all you need to do is follow the easy steps which follow.
If you have questions or are experiencing problems accessing the e-Learning modules, please send us an email at education@nodinite.com.