Monitoring message flows and logging: Nodinite gets 10/10


This pulp and paper industry customer uses both BizTalk and Azure Integration Services. Additionally, they use internally developed integration platforms and an SFTP platform. To make matters more complicated, there are two different BizTalk platforms; BizTalk 2016 and BizTalk 2020. This mix of different integration platforms stems from a past decision to merge two IT departments into one. At the time, a decision was made to maintain most existing software. This has left the company with several legacy systems.

The customer’s history with Nodinite stretches back many years. In fact, they were one of the earliest adopters of Nodinite.

The IT department consists of around 150 staff. With the role of IT expected to increase in the future, the customer is actively expanding in this area. Six people work full-time with integrations. They are responsible for maintenance, support, development of new integrations and more.

“I love Nodinite, it is a super-useful tool.”

Nodinite user


At present mainly the Integrations Team, part of the IT department, works actively with Nodinite. One other group within the IT department is also using Nodinite a little bit. There are plans to expand the use of Nodinite to other departments outside of IT. But this has not happened yet.

With several different integration platforms still actively used, it is perhaps not surprising that more than one tool is used to monitor integrations. Among existing tools monitoring message flows are Azure Monitor and Log Analytics. However, it is not as easy to set up search fields in them as with Nodinite.

The customer utilizes Nodinite’s monitoring and logging functionality. At present they are not using the documentation or repository functionality.

The IT department is aware that Nodinite’s monitoring capabilities could be further utilized. For example, there are a lot of integrations that are not used in today’s production environment. These non-used integrations can easily be mapped out by Nodinite.

Azure Integration Services, BizTalk 2020 and BizTalk 2016 are integration platforms used by this customer.


The customer is currently undertaking a large project to streamline integration platforms and IT operations in general. By the end of 2030 the aim is to have migrated nearly all integrations over to Azure Integration Services. All other legacy systems should be gone by then.

According to one document there are approximately 1,000 integrations. Yet this figure includes older integrations that are no longer used. It is estimated that there are around 600-700 active integrations across all platforms. There are around 250 integrations in the two BizTalk versions that are currently logged and monitored by Nodinite.

Join us to dive into 5 tips to Supercharge your Azure and BizTalk Monitoring


Three hours per week resolving incidents

Since most integrations are well-built and stable due to great work by the Integration Team, Nodinite is not needed all the time. Hence, most of the ticket/incidents that the Integration Team are dealing with are due to human error. Thanks to setting up integrations properly from the start, the Integration Team, on average, spends around three hours per week resolving different incidents.

Ability to set up many search fields

The Integration Team has been able to set up many search fields using Nodinite. This means that they can quickly and easily find any incidents when something goes wrong. Nodinite makes the Integration Team’s day-to-day job significantly easier. Missing orders and invoices are good examples of how Nodinite can solve problems. Issues are solved within 5 minutes instead of spending hours searching for them.

Nodinite works across multiple integration platforms

Nodinite works with major integration platforms. From Azure Integration Services to BizTalk 2020 and BizTalk 2016. As a technology agnostic tool, it will not be a problem for Nodinite to monitor new integrations that are migrated over from the older integration platforms.

Nodinite gets a 10 out 10

There are few tools that compete with Nodinite when it comes to monitoring message flows and logging. Nodinite gets a score of 10/10 in terms of value from the Integrations Team.


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