Welcome to the Nodinite Newsletter – March Edition!

Last Updated: May 20, 2024|

What is the one thing that is often lacking within organizations? Well… there are probably thousands of great answers to this question. We, of course, have one specific answer in mind. Transparency and communication. Too often not even employees themselves know what is happening inside their own company.

Here at Nodinite we aim to rectify this mistake by sharing all the great stuff that is taking place. So it is with great pleasure that we return with yet another exciting edition of our newsletter! Join us as we share the latest happenings from Nodinite.


AI depiction showing what some Nodinite staff will look like around the year 2050. From left to right: Justin, Michael, Arvid, Waseem, Henrik.


Dear Readers,

Welcome to the March 2024 newsletter edition from Nodinite, always aware. As we step into a new month, we are excited to share with you the highlights.

We (Nodinite) greatly value our partners. Thus, our spotlight for March will be the awesome IT companies that we have partnered with! Nodinite would not be as successful as it is today if it were not for the talented men and women we work with and who actively promote and sell our product. Nodinite partners offer solutions covering everything from managed services, consulting, and development.

Yet unlike many businesses that only offer partnerships on paper, Nodinite strives to take the extra step. This involves actively listening to, and supporting our certified partners,

A case study at hand is the round table events that began at the end of 2023. These events are arranged and hosted by Contica, one of our most progressive partners, and actively supported by Nodinite.

The purpose and the outcome of Contica’s round table event is to work towards creating a community of Nodinite users. A community that discusses relevant topics regarding Nodinite, shares best practices, tips, and networking. Two events have been held to date and they have both been outstanding successes.

Nodinite is unlike most companies in our enthusiasm and desire to achieve win-win outcomes with our partners. We take great pride in this!

Henrik Ericsson

Director, Business Development & Partner Management


3 New Customers

Over the past month we have been pleased to receive three new members of the Nodinite family. This is of course all in line with our expectations of growing the business. All new customers have come in through our excellent partners.

From Advania we have two new customers. Both have headquarters in Sweden and are large, well-known organizations in their respective field. One is a multinational leader in maintenance and sustainability. The other is an industry leader in manufacturing with operations in several neighboring countries. Click to learn more.

Nodinite’s most recent partner, Integration.team signed a new customer in Belgium. The customer is a multinational corporation with operations spanning across the globe. Read more about the new customer here.


Tips and tricks of the month: The Nodinite Null Adapter

If you haven’t heard about our Null adapter for Microsoft BizTalk Server 2020 then this is the must-read section!

The purpose of the Nodinite Null adapter for the BizTalk Server environment is to remove data, or messages, that are irrelevant and fill no function. Having suspended messages in BizTalk message box can be a problem for performance and users run the risk of eventually running out of space over time.

Did we forget to mention that the Nodinite Null adapter is free?

Click on the link to read more about how the Null adapter works. To download the Null adapter, click here.


Poll of the month

Here are the results for this month’s poll. We are pleased to note that the majority of respondents have 21+ Nodinite users. This is one of the great advantages of our unique license model allowing unlimited numbers of users for a fixed price.


Quiz (NEW!)

(note that quiz prize coffee mug may have different design)

Quiz questions for March. Test how much you know about Nodinite 😊 Submit your answers, get all 5 right and win a Nodinite branded coffee mug or umbrella.

Click on this link to get to the 5-question quiz. If all five answers are correct, we will get in touch with you about delivery details for your prize.


Benefits of being a Nodinite partner and becoming a partner

Click on the link here to go to our Become a Partner page to learn more about the benefits of partnering with Nodinite.


Join our E-Learning program and become a superhero😊

We have a NEW PLATFORM! 

You must have received the activation email by now and started using the new

‘Nodinite Learn’ platform. We hope you find it more neat, intuitive and convenient to navigate across it. Your username and password remain the same. Just visit this link and get started.


  • In case you are an active e-learning user and cannot access your account, please reach out to us at – EDUCATION@NODINITE.COM.
  • If you have not started with Nodinite Learning yet, please visit this link to submit your request.

Some facts about the Nodinite Learn platform:

The platform now has around 140 active users with 150 + minutes of Nodinite learning videos and growing. The latest program we did covers Azure integrations and their observability. We showcased 3 scenarios of resolving issues while maintaining systems integrations in Azure environment with help of Azure Monitoring alone vs. How Nodinite complements Azure monitoring and makes it convenient for the user.

Our next program would be around BizTalk monitoring and how Nodinite complements it. So, stay tuned for it.

A soft reminder: If you or your colleagues have not yet signed up for e-learning, please submit a request using this link.


Don’t miss our published articles from February

As always, we are NEVER slowing down! February month was busy with plenty of comings and goings. On the content front we provided lots of exciting new articles.

Did you know that Nodinite is one the sponsors of Epical Group’s Integration Day 2024? Or that we welcomed a new partner in February? Have you met our awesome partners Contica?

Learn about this and much much more here!

Nodinite Proud Sponsor of Integration Day 2024

Cegeka Nordics Becomes Nodinite Certified Partner

Meet Contica: A Certified Nodinite Partner

Nodinite Repository – a Revolutionary Approach to Documentation

Welcome to the Nodinite Newsletter – February Edition


1 + 1 + 1 >>> 3 – The Sum is Greater Than the Parts

Below is a short, and highly fictional, tale where Nodinite, a plucky, global do-gooder and overall superhero software tool, solves problems. Every month a new adventure will be included in each newsletter. The stories themselves are imaginary and are of course a not-so-subtle reference to how Nodinite’s tool helps organizations in the real world.

Read and enjoy!

Nodinite is more than it seems

Somewhere very close to you is an amazingly cool software company called Nodinite. This company has an awesome product for monitoring and logging of system integrations. But alas! There are other companies trying to compete with them, offering similar products. Most of the competitors are more visible and well-known in the market.

How can they ever succeed?

Well… Nodinite has come up with its own unique secret weapon – a feature that at least not many competitors have thought of yet: The ability to monitor and log system integrations with centralized documentation functionality, all in one tool! It is what is needed for effective operations and maintenance when it comes to system integrations.

Of course, customers can also pick the pieces of Nodinite that they like.

Pick Monitoring, Pick Logging, Pick Centralized Documentation – or Pick All Three

If a customer only needs monitoring, or only wants to use centralized documentation, then that is fine and many customers are satisfied with this. But one of its strengths is the three-in-one combination of tools.

Not only does this make an already powerful product even more attractive, but it also gives it an edge over their competitors who cannot offer the same functionality. To achieve the same great results as with Nodinite, other organizations using competitors’ have to two or more separate products. Which is of course a lot of extra work.

It didn’t take long before large, multinational customers started flocking to Nodinite’s doorsteps once they realized that they could get what they needed from one source instead of having to buy expensive licenses from different vendors. In turn, this allowed large corporations to save money and streamline their operations by using fewer software programs. This also meant fewer headaches down the road if any issues arose during production or deployment cycles.

The moral of this story? Don’t be awe-struck by the first tool you come across. Do some due diligence of your own before selecting the next software vendor. Chances are you’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover smaller, nimbler, better, and cheaper software tools out there.

We are here to help you.

Keen to know more? How about our gladiator article to better understand how Nodinite fits into the monitoring, logging, and centralized documentation eco-system.

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