How it works

Failure Management


Failure management

The greatest challenge with a failed business message transaction is to get to a resolution fast enough. Here is a simplified process for handling failed business messages efficiently and quickly to reduce negative business impact.

1. Business message flow monitoring

Message queues, resources, end points, certificates and other key elements are constantly monitored to detect stuck and even missing business messages. There is often a need to track messages through a complete flow from start to finish. Typically, you also need to monitor a mix of different technologies on-prem and in the cloud. Some examples of the technologies are Boomi, Azure IS, Mulesoft, BizTalk, Rabbit MQ, MSFT SQL, Active MQ, IBM MQ/Datapower gateway.

For a complete list of Nodinite Monitoring capabilities please see:
Nodinite Documentation – Home

2. Failure detections

A failed business message is detected. This can be caused by bad data to a full queue or trouble with an endpoint. Some errors can be managed with Nodinite’s auto-healing feature. Rules and thresholds can be set for alerts to be sent. The Nodinite non-event feature is often used to detect if important business transactions are missing.

3. Stakeholder alert

If a failed business message transfer is detected, the appropriate stakeholders in the organization are alerted instantly, depending on the kind of problem. The message can include vital information about priority, etc. The alert goes to the person who can fix the problem, even to people in the business, minimizing delay and impact of the failure. An order that has been stuck can be corrected and resent directly by the salesperson who entered the order in the first place.

4. Diagnose

To simplify the resolution, the stakeholder gets a description of the failure and information about what might have gone wrong. Best practice implies including a link to knowledge-based articles for prompt resolution. Typically, Nodinite users would enter knowledge-based articles in the development of individual integrations.

5. Correct

With the help of correct and updated documentation/repository and business processes know-how, users can quickly correct the problem and restart the business message flow.

Every message, with header and body, issues related to resources, etc. are logged to gain insights and detect recurring problems for future process or system enhancements.

For further information about Nodinite’s capabilities, see:
Nodinite Documentation – Home

2. Failure detections

A failed business message is detected. This can be caused by bad data to a full queue or trouble with an endpoint. Some errors can be managed with Nodinite’s auto-healing feature. Rules and thresholds can be set for alerts to be sent. The Nodinite non-event feature is often used to detect if important business transactions are missing.

4. Diagnose

To simplify the resolution, the stakeholder gets a description of the failure and information about what might have gone wrong. Best practice implies including a link to knowledge-based articles for prompt resolution. Typically, Nodinite users would enter knowledge-based articles in the development of individual integrations.

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